Thursday, February 10, 2011


it's so easy to come to rely on another person. so nice to be able to share what's going on, laugh together, have someone always there. But when you rely on another person, you put yourself on the line, knowing full well that there is a much greater chance of getting hurt than of the happiness lasting. You have to decide if its worth the risk of temporary happiness, or if it would be better never to try, and never get hurt. Relying just on yourself is so much safer. you will never be hurt, or feel loss, or feel disappointment. But you will also miss the joy of sharing life with another person. Whether its for a day, a week, a year, or the rest of your life. people come into your life for a reason, and they touch your life in a way that shapes who you are and who you will become. and enjoying, in that moment, the relationship you have, is often enough. and letting go, when the time comes, is just another chapter in your life. it changes you, and shapes you to be the person that will embrace whoever else comes into your life, if you take the chance to rely on others. Because we are meant to share our experiences with others, to change the lives of others and be changed by them in return.
- Journal entry 2/9/11

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